Cue the air horns!
This season of LGA has a very specific flavor: let’s call it Ghost Pepper.
It might sting a little, but it’s also going to clear your sinuses and reveal that your lungs have about 15% more capacity than you originally thought.
The deep breaths will just be that deep.
With this season, I have one very specific intent: to convince as many independent artists as possible that they are holding a stacked hand. And then, to play it.
Is this Self-Help? Is this Motivational Speaking? Is this Warm and Fuzzy Feel Good Stuff™?
K, then what is?
This, as the subtitle alludes to, is a philosophical and practical guide for indie creatives. Not only will we discuss how-to kinds of things:
tending to the long term artist-audience relationship
defining your content plan vs. art plan
how to write cold emails that you actually feel PROUD OF
the revenue *right in front of you* (on THAT table, yes)
making industry connections in a way that doesn’t induce a shame spiral
But ALSO things like:
how applying an intentional infrastructure to your career is a safeguard against crazy dystopian uncertainty
building new worlds, universes, and thought patterns in the collective so we can have nice things again
the role of the artist in society
the way making art ends up making social media and other annoying non-negotiable things both irrelevant and negotiable
And a plethora of other surprises along the way!
IN TODAY’S EPISODE, we’ll answer these questions:
What do you actually want from “breaking in” to the [insert your industry (mine is film) here]?
How’d people be artists in the 20th century?
How’re people being artists now, in the 21st century?
What do we have to embrace/reject to be a 21st Century Artist?
What does writing have to do with getting attention?
What’s the big mistake when it comes to posting your work?
Is teaching the only way to make money as an indie artist?
Why is a POV so important for indie artists?
What is the ultimate goal of working outside of the system?
One last thing, if you like this episode…
Please consider texting it to a friend. :)
That’s it!
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