
Are You a 21st Century Artist?

(Get in loser, we're going to transcend the System.)

Cue the air horns!


This season of LGA has a very specific flavor: let’s call it Ghost Pepper.

It might sting a little, but it’s also going to clear your sinuses and reveal that your lungs have about 15% more capacity than you originally thought.

The deep breaths will just be that deep.

With this season, I have one very specific intent: to convince as many independent artists as possible that they are holding a stacked hand. And then, to play it.

Is this Self-Help? Is this Motivational Speaking? Is this Warm and Fuzzy Feel Good Stuff™?


K, then what is?

This, as the subtitle alludes to, is a philosophical and practical guide for indie creatives. Not only will we discuss how-to kinds of things:

  • tending to the long term artist-audience relationship

  • defining your content plan vs. art plan

  • how to write cold emails that you actually feel PROUD OF

  • the revenue *right in front of you* (on THAT table, yes)

  • making industry connections in a way that doesn’t induce a shame spiral

But ALSO things like:

  • how applying an intentional infrastructure to your career is a safeguard against crazy dystopian uncertainty

  • building new worlds, universes, and thought patterns in the collective so we can have nice things again

  • the role of the artist in society

  • the way making art ends up making social media and other annoying non-negotiable things both irrelevant and negotiable

And a plethora of other surprises along the way!

IN TODAY’S EPISODE, we’ll answer these questions:

  • What do you actually want from “breaking in” to the [insert your industry (mine is film) here]?

  • How’d people be artists in the 20th century?

  • How’re people being artists now, in the 21st century?

  • What do we have to embrace/reject to be a 21st Century Artist?

  • What does writing have to do with getting attention?

  • What’s the big mistake when it comes to posting your work?

  • Is teaching the only way to make money as an indie artist?

  • Why is a POV so important for indie artists?

  • What is the ultimate goal of working outside of the system?

One last thing, if you like this episode…

Please consider texting it to a friend. :)


That’s it!


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