We're telling the future! Spooky stuff! Once a quarter, we're taking a look at the trends popping up in art, business, and marketing and understanding how to use them in our indie art.
This quarter we're diving into the Authenticity Trends marking every corner of the online and media landscapes. But don't worry, to hop on these trends, you won't have to overshare on social media. It'll be much easier than that.
Hollywood Reporter article about the Duplass/Netflix deal: https://www.hollywoodreporter.com/tv/tv-news/netflix-rights-mark-duplass-mel-eslyn-series-penelope-1235890593/
IndieWire article about the Art Directors Guild: https://www.indiewire.com/news/breaking-news/art-directors-guild-ending-production-design-initiative-program-1235002230/
52 REVENUE STREAM IDEAS FOR INDIE ARTISTS — No more struggling artist cliches. Get the list: https://queensbirdfilms.myflodesk.com/52-rev-streams
TAKE THE ARTIST TIMELINE QUIZ — Where are you now and where are you headed next? Take the quiz: https://fkfsueqdh05.typeform.com/to/aZt25ckK
LISTEN: THE BREAK BREAKDOWN — Season 3, Process: How We Made Kinsley Vs.: bit.ly/thebreakbreakdown
Want to request a specific topic? Email: hello@queensbirdfilms.com
FOLLOW US HERE: **@letsgoagainpod**
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Let’s Go Again is hosted by Courtney Romano.
This is a project from Queens Bird Films.
Queens Bird Films is a production company telling stories to make life fun. With irreverence, depth, and a bit of whimsy, we make things for people who want to fall back in love with life.
See the films, series, and podcasts we made for you here: queensbirdfilms.com
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